28 oct. 2008

The Volume II of the series Ti-Cœur ANGEL.

The first chapters of Tome II of the series of Ti-Cœur ANGEL, will be published in the following site :
You can also explore the 5 chapters of Volume I
The dates of publication of the articles are displayed in my Google calendar:

Indeed, you can read the adventures of a young boy, apprentice dressmaker named Ti-Coeur, who lives with his grandparents Elise and Eugene Angel, Martinique, in a small house nestled at the foot of the volcano Mount Pelee.

The events of this series of Ti-Cœur ANGEL, will hear characters, folklore, customs and music of the Caribbean.
The first volume takes place during the period
from pleasant Caribbean carnival.
What a wonderful carnival, rhythmic, shimmering costumes! However, it will be full of disturbing phenomena, surprising for Ti-Coeur, friends and residents of the town of Saint-Pierre, Martinique.
Dangers arise. And Ti-Coeur and his friends must face.

Several items will be installed:
- The vigils Pa Angel
At night, neighbors and family friends Angel, attending the famous vigil, of Eugene, the grandfather of Ti-Coeur, nicknamed Angel Pa.
Ti-Cœur and Cannelle his friends, Paolo and Valentin are thrilled and look Pa Angel come alive with all his being, to describe fabulous events ... Good humor is required!
- The delicious recipes Man Angel
We delight in doing all the delicious dishes of Man Angel.
- The songs of the series
They transmit the musical atmosphere of the series
And many more surprises in new sections will be unveiled in 2009.
Volume I: Ti-Cœur ANGEL and the Zombi of the Carnival Antillais.
Volume II: Ti-Cœur ANGEL and the Treasury flibustiers (Title not definitive)

This series Ti-Coeur ANGEL is created for publishing, broadcasting and production of animated films.